Analytics – October 2019 Web and Social - Boundary Country - Industry News

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Analytics – October 2019 Web and Social

Throughout the month of October, was visited by 3,157 users (+19% from previous year) through 3,596 sessions (+21% from previous year) and 6,721 pageviews (+15% from previous year).

During the month of October, a total of 122 new Facebook followers were gained, bringing the count to 6,816 followers. 27 Facebook Posts resulted in 88,189 total impressions, -28% from the previous year, and 6,874 engagements (likes, comments, shares, and clicks), -30% from the previous year. The decrease is due to lower Facebook ad spend compared to the previous year.

During the month, 45 Instagram followers were gained, bringing the total to 1,212 followers. 20 Instagram posts resulted in 39,683 impressions, +299% from the previous year, and 2,175 engagements (Likes, comments, saves, profile clicks), +54% from the previous year.

Read the Full Report: Boundary Country – 2019-10 – October

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