2022 Annual Plan: The 2022 MRDT One-Year Tactical Plan for Boundary Country was submitted on November 30, 2021. Boundary Country Tourism consulted with MRDT Steering Committee virtually as well as the Boundary Services Committee of the RDKB to finalize the plan. The Plan includes leveraged funding with the RDKB application to Destination BC’s (DBC) Open Pool Program, so the final MRDT plan budget will be confirmed in February once the additional DBC funding is confirmed. View the 2022 One-Year Tactical Plan here, and view the 2022 One-Year Tactical Plan Financials here.
MRDT for Boundary Country
The Municipal Regional District Tax (MRDT) was implemented July 1, 2018 in Boundary Country for a period of five years. This 2% accommodation tax comes back to the community for local tourism marketing and industry development activities.
Refer to Frequently Asked Questions for more information.
Deferred Sales Tax or Security Payments Effective March 23, 2020: The filing and payment due dates for the following sales taxes are extended to September 30, 2020: Carbon tax; Motor fuel tax, including the International Fuel Tax Agreement, Provincial sales tax (PST), including the municipal and regional district tax on accommodation, Tobacco tax Tax returns and payments with due dates after March 23, 2020 and before September 30, 2020 will now be due September 30, 2020. This deferral is automatic and no action, such as an application, is required on your part. Read the bulletin here.
Changes to Tax Collection Effective October 2018: Effective October 1, 2018 changes to the tax collection include all fixed roof accommodation. Operators must identify themselves to the Provincial Government to set up collection of the tax. Information can be found online, review the Bulletin.
To stay current with Provincial Government Changes on this tax sign-up for email alerts or visit the Government of BC “What’s New in Taxes & Tax Credits” web page.
For information on how to complete the MRDT Tax Return contact the Province of BC.
The Boundary Country Five-Year Strategic Business Plan is the guiding document for the annual tactics plan which is due November 30 every year to Destination BC.
Previous MRDT Annual Plans
2021 Annual Plan: The MRDT Boundary Country One-Year Tactical Plan 2021 Boundary Country One-Year Tactical Plan 2021 MRDT-Dec 18, 2020 was submitted December 18, 2020, on the special 2020 deadline. Boundary Country Tourism consulted with MRDT Steering Committee virtually in the fall as well as Boundary Services Committee of the RDKB to finalize the plan. The Plan includes leveraged funding with the RDKB application to Destination BC’s (DBC) Open Pool Program, so the final MRDT plan budget will be confirmed in February once the additional DBC funding is confirmed.
2020 Annual Plan: The FINAL Boundary Country One-Year Tactical Plan 2020 MRDT was re-submitted to Destination BC January 9, 2020 to include the market allocation by season. The tourism industry was consulted through two workshops held Sept 25 Grand Forks, Sept 26 Greenwood, an online survey, MRDT Steering Committee meeting, 1:1 discussions with local stakeholders and email link via the Boundary Country News Nov 20, 2019. The Plan includes leveraged funding with the RDKB application to Destination BC’s (DBC) Open Pool Program, so the final MRDT plan budget will be confirmed in February once the additional DBC funding is confirmed. PLEASE NOTE: With the Corona Virus Crisis the plan has been modified to reflect the cash on hand vs new revenue until such time the situation changes.
2019 Annual Plan: The Boundary Country One-Year Tactical Plan 2019 MRDT was submitted to Destination BC November 30, 2018. The tourism industry was consulted through a stakeholder workshop Nov 1, 2018 held in Grand Forks, an online survey and 1:1 discussions to gather feedback on the draft plan. The final plan was completed in March 2019 and leveraged funding is confirmed.
Leveraged Funding 2019: Destination BC through the Open Pool Cooperative Marketing Program confirmed matching funding of $97,825 to market Boundary Country for the period April 1, 2019 to March 30, 2020. Matching funds from Regional District Kootenay Boundary ($20,000), plus stakeholders (through program engagement $20,000), MRDT ($13,198) and Big White ($44,627) brings the total project value to $195,650.
Committees: The existing Boundary Country Tourism Advisory Committee was expanded and the MRDT Steering Committee of accommodation operators represents all areas of the Boundary.