Stakeholder Engagement - Boundary Country - Industry News

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Stakeholder Engagement

Stakeholder engagement is essential for the success of tourism in Boundary Country. Find out information on our advisory and steering committees, survey results and to connect with your key contacts.

Stakeholder activities include workshops, 1:1 contact, email communications, surveys and direct outreach by Cindy Alblas, Boundary Country Stakeholder liaison.

Stakeholder Outreach for MRDT 2020 Plan

Two workshop input sessions were held Sept 26, 2019 in Grand Forks and Greenwood with Project Manager Simone Carlysle-Smith and Boundary Country Stakeholder Liaison Cindy Alblas who facilitated two sessions to gather input for the 2019 MRDT annual plan and to update stakeholders on current activities. In addition to the workshops an online survey was sent to operators as well MRDT Steering Committee meetings and 1:1 engagement.


Boundary Country Advisory Committee

The Boundary Country Tourism Advisory Council is comprised of a cross section of over 30 businesses and services across Boundary Country. Committee responsibilities are to answer emails to gather your input and feedback on proposed projects.

Ongoing expressions of interest for Boundary Country Tourism Advisory Committee can be directed to

MRDT Boundary Country Tourism Steering Committee
The Boundary Country Tourism MRDT Steering Committee was formed and met for the first time January 30, 2019, at Community Futures in Grand Forks, BC. The Committee Terms of Reference was finalized, survey results were reviewed and partnerships and opportunities for destination development were identified. Responsibilities of this committee are to: attend a minimum 3 meetings per year in Boundary Country (location to be determined), answer emails pertaining to the Boundary Country Steering Committee and the proposed projects, and recommendations for the annual MRDT tourism plan.

Ongoing expressions of interest for Boundary Country Tourism MRDT Steering Committee can be directed to

Survey Highlights Oct 2019

  • Survey results consisted of a total of 43 respondents (over doubled from last year’s survey), 35% Accommodators, 14% Restaurants and Services, 16% Recreation, 20% Museums, Galleries, Attractions and Tours and 15% Retail.
  • Good overview was represented from across the Boundary, 44% from Grand Forks, 22% from Christina Lake, 13% from Greenwood, 4 % Midway and 17% West Boundary.
  • 75% of businesses surveyed, who operate an accommodation are MRDT Stakeholders.
  • The majority of visitors our stakeholders feel are coming into Boundary Country to their establishments, from highest to lowest are from the Okanagan, Vancouver, Kootenays and Washington.
  • 65% of businesses surveyed felt the most important areas to market were Digital Advertising, Website Re-development and Advertising in print and online. 35% of businesses surveyed felt consumer shows, brand assets and amplification of content with alignment to DBC, were most important.
  • When asked if there was anything else marketing dollars should be spent on, out of the possible 43 responses, we received 17 comments. Out of the 17 respondents who commented, 24% wanted to see more signage. 18% would like to see events be supported.  Others commented on lobbying government to speak to media about over sensationalizing fires, as it impacts tourism, mitigating visitors travelling in single occupancy vehicles, encourage more bicycle on the rail trail, helping flood victims, creation of more mountain bike trails and a focus on online content.
  • The top area of focus for the professional development workshops were 63% in support of developing experience packages, next was Business collaboration throughout the Boundary and then how market on Social Media (Facebook, Instagram, TripAdvisor, Google) and how to create and/or optimize your website and photography and video.
  • When stakeholders were asked if they feel there is a potential to market cannabis tourism, out of the 43 respondents, 14 responded with comments. Of those comments 57% felt there is a potential for cannabis tourism and 36% felt there was not. Ideas such as classifying smoke friendly and non-smoke friendly accommodations and establishments, education to visitors on where to purchase, and cannabis tours.
  • Year 2 of the MRDT plan marks the beginning of planning a new event for Boundary Country. Of the 43 respondents, 30 people answered the question, 93% of those who responded felt event development is important in our region.
  • When asked if the creation of a basic Boundary Trails map should be an area of focus, of the 32 respondents who answered, 93% felt it was a good idea. 97% of stakeholders felt signage on existing kiosks on trail heads across Boundary was important.
  • Additional comments made were to be sure we had a downloadable digital link for our trails maps as well as print out, a suggestion that RDKB trails master plan needs to get trails regulated, with no budget or people to care for the higher volume visitors coming to the trails, this is a concern.

Compiled by Cindy Alblas, Boundary Country Stakeholder Liaison

Survey Highlights Dec 2018/Jan 2019

Key findings from the initial Boundary Country Tourism Stakeholder Survey
December 2018-January 2019

  • Survey results consisted of a total of 20 responses, 40% Accommodation, 24% Restaurants and Services, 18% Recreation, 14% Museums, Gallery, Attractions and Tours and 6% Retail.
  • Good overview was represented from across the Boundary 53% from Grand Forks and Christina Lake and 47% from the West Boundary.
  • 70% of businesses surveyed are open year round, with an average of a 63% occupancy, with a need for increased capacity between April-October.
  • The majority of visitors coming into Boundary Country are from the Okanagan, Vancouver and other BC.
  • 44% of travelers are couples, followed by 26% adventure travelers and 24% families
  • Greatest assets of Boundary Country are our natural beauty, our trails and recreation.
  • 89.5% respondents supported attending the Vancouver Outdoor Travel and Adventure Show
  • Main areas of focus for the professional development workshops are: How to market on Social Media (Facebook, Instagram, TripAdvisor, Google), developing experience packages, quality customer service and best practices, collaboration across the Boundary, how to create and/or optimize your website and photography and video.

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